Modern marketers in professional services firms are tasked with a broad and critical mandate: leverage the firm’s marketing dollars to drive brand awareness and top-line growth for the firm. With hundreds of potential initiatives that could positively impact the firm, how does the marketer prioritize which efforts are worth that precious budget?

Leveraging data across the firm
The answer in part comes from leveraging rich data stores across the firm that help to identify and segment your target market appropriately, powered by a technology solution that gives you full visibility into campaign execution and ROI. Data and technology exist only to enable the most important part of the equation, the secret sauce of the marketer – the deep knowledge and intuition of both the market and the firm’s differentiators that yield true marketing magic.
Becoming the hero of your firm

In the video below, we discuss the data and technology that can help you and your marketing team execute against your strategic mandate to become heroes within your firm. Our Intapp solution seamlessly integrates your marketing automation system with CRM and other firm systems including billing, ERM, matter intake and conflicts to be able to target contacts with data-driven precision. Track and manage your campaign costs versus your budget to ensure you operate within constraints. Build lists intelligently by automatically including contacts your partners have relationships with. Connect every revenue opportunity back to your campaign to calculate ROI and measure the influence of your critical marketing efforts on business development. Finally, generate push-button reports that curate the data your partners care about in a single PDF via the web or mobile. Here, I walk you through a quick tutorial:
Learn more about using Intapp’s OnePlace solution to optimize your marketing efforts and to drive ROI.