• Consulting
  • Intapp Conflicts

How to identify and manage conflicts of interest without slowing business

  • Tom Koehler

    Global Managing Principal, Accounting and Consulting

To get ahead in today’s competitive landscape, your consulting firm needs to find, win, and close deals as swiftly and smoothly as possible. But when a deal presents red flags, how can your professionals handle them without slowing down client onboarding or deal execution?

Check out these effective strategies for identifying and managing conflicts, and discover how the right management solution can help your consulting firm maintain ethical standards and client trust.

Comprehend and master conflict management

From prospecting and intake to close, various conflicts can arise during the engagement lifecycle. It’s important for your partners and risk analysts to fully understand these conflicts so they can review deals more efficiently:

  1. Overlapping client interests
    When competitors or opposing parties share the same service provider, tensions can arise. Watch out for any arrangement that might place your firm in the crossfire of conflicting interests. 
  2. Complex ownership structures
    Beware of clients with intricate or opaque ownership. Hidden beneficiaries or unusual corporate setups often require extra scrutiny and due diligence.
  3. Ethical and compliance concerns
    Clients associated with financial misconduct, fraud, or legal investigations can cause reputational damage for your firm if your teams don’t address risks upfront.
  4. Ambiguities in engagement scope
    When an engagement scope is unclear or overlaps with other services, conflicts and misunderstandings can quickly develop.
  5. Personal or financial interests of consultants
    Your employees must comply with regulatory requirements as well as your internal policies and attestation requirements — otherwise, your firm could face costly fines and legal penalties.
  6. Confidentiality breaches
    Without robust information governance measures, your professionals may inadvertently share or access sensitive client information. This can hurt your firm’s credibility and jeopardize ethical and professional standards.

Strengthen your firm’s integrity with clear conflict policies

First and foremost, your firm needs to implement well-defined conflict policies and procedures. By clearly outlining this information for your professionals, they can quickly, confidentially, and accurately address certain situations when they arise — maintaining ethical decision-making and preventing legal issues. Keep in mind that different jurisdictions have different regulations, so if your firm serves clients in multiple regions, you’ll need to adjust your processes accordingly.

Having conflict policies in place is essential, but without real-time monitoring and automation to enforce these policies, they’re just empty words. Too many firms fail to revisit exceptions or check them against actual engagement situations, exposing themselves to hidden risks and regulatory pitfalls.

That’s why your firm needs to implement a lean and user-friendly screening process for new engagements and conduct regular conflict checks. This will help your professionals catch red flags earlier and prevent potential conflicts from turning into full-blown issues.

You must also build strong but practical information barriers to secure your data and prevent confidentiality breaches. Assign separate teams to work on potentially conflicting projects, and implement ethical walls between teams so unauthorized members can’t access sensitive information.

Resolve conflicts through clear communication

If a conflict does arise, immediately alert the appropriate risk or compliance partner to assess potential remedies. For example, your firm may be able to resolve the conflict through informed consent or by restructuring the engagement. Or, if your firm can’t resolve a conflict without risking independence, you may decide to decline or withdraw from the engagement.

No matter what decision your firm comes to, your professionals should always document all actions and keep accurate records of every discussion and decision. Having strong documentation practices protects your firm’s reputation and provides historical insights to help your teams better refine your conflict policies and procedures.

Above all, be as transparent as possible with your clients. Openly disclosing possible conflicts and how you plan to address them not only helps prevent minor issues from spiraling out of control — it also builds client trust and demonstrates your firm’s commitment to integrity and fairness.

Prepare your firm for a conflicts management solution

Having clear communication and robust policies and processes in place are essential for risk management. But without sufficient and user-friendly tools, your professionals can’t assess and resolve conflicts efficiently.

Manually searching for potential conflicts is quite time-consuming, especially if engagement data is scattered across spreadsheets, email threads, or multiple, disjointed solutions. This manual method is also prone to human error and can even lead to data leakage: Professionals may occasionally miss red flags or forget to conduct a conflict check, putting the firm at unnecessary risk.

An integrated, centralized, automated conflicts management platform can help your team flag and resolve conflicts faster and more accurately than ever before. But before you implement a new solution, you firm must take certain steps to ensure successful business outcomes:

  1. Streamline and optimize your conflict checks process, as this will help your system search through your data faster and flag potential conflicts in seconds
  2. Implement secure access controls to prevent confidentiality breaches 
  3. Review your firm’s conflict resolution policies and escalation procedures to ensure everything is consistent and up to date 
  4. Provide business outcomefocused employee training so your teams can review your policies and processes, learn how to use the new management system, and understand how they can help prevent potential conflicts and fines. 

By implementing these steps, your teams will be empowered to fully leverage the new management system — maximizing efficiency, minimizing risk, and driving greater business value.

Get results fast with Intapp Conflicts

Struggling to select a conflicts management solution? Look no further! Intapp Conflicts is designed by industry experts to meet the specific needs of consulting firms like yours.

Intapp Conflicts integrates with firm and third-party systems to provide a unified view of client and engagement data. Using AI, the solution automates data-driven client onboarding and risk assessment, surfaces issues, and enforces firm policies throughout the engagement lifecycle. It can also track data in real time, allowing teams to make better-informed decisions and accelerate deal execution.

Intapp Conflicts also integrates with other our other compliance solutions: 

  • Intapp Intake Quickly capture risk-related information about your new and recurring business, so your teams can make better onboarding decisions faster
  • Intapp Employee Compliance Help your professionals follow firm and regulatory requirements by tracking activities like investments, gifts, personal trading, and more
  • Intapp Walls Manage, secure, and enforce data access controls across all systems to protect confidential data
  • With Intapp’s compliance solutions, your firm can minimize manual tasks, drive faster conflict clearance, and confidently grow your business.

Ready to deliver high-value advisory services to clients? Schedule a demo of Intapp Conflicts today.