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  • Intapp DealCloud

The top three email marketing templates for private equity firms and investment banks

Email marketing is a key communications channel for private equity firms and investment banks, allowing dealmakers and other capital markets professionals to easily communicate with investors, distribute industry analysis reports, announce closed deals, and nurture relationships. It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of email marketing for our industry: A recent Campaign Monitor article showed how email performance can directly impact the overall marketing success and organizational growth of investment banks and private equity firms. It’s clearly critical for firms to find ways of improving email performance and increasing engagement within their networks.

One of the best ways to engage and build personal connections with your contacts is to create a custom email template. Dispatch is an all-in-one marketing solution purpose-built for capital markets professionals. Dispatch lets firms send and schedule a variety of emails — including deal announcements, press releases, industry coverage and analysis, and newsletters — and offers a library of email templates for professionals to choose from. The most essential templates for private equity firms and investment banks — Newsletter, Whitepaper, and Transaction templates — cover a large portion of most firms’ needs.

Before creating and customizing a new email template, we recommend that you understand the goals of your email campaign. Whether your firm is looking to build relationships with new network contacts or streamline business development efforts, leveraging Dispatch’s out-of-the-box email template library will improve email performance and help your firm reach its goals.

1. Share recent wins with newsletters

Capital markets professionals are likely familiar with Newsletter-style email templates. DealCloud makes it easy for users to customize the layout of these templates to highlight the focus of email campaigns. Selecting the Call-to-Action Newsletter layout, for example, lets users share recent updates with their database contacts. These updates might include past events, company acquisitions, new office locations, and recent whitepapers and articles.

Looking for ideas and inspiration for your layout? Check out our monthly newsletters, where we use a customized version of a Newsletter template to share new client announcements, YouTube videos, and newly published blog posts and case studies.

2. Increase thought leadership visibility with whitepaper announcements

Marketing and research teams within private equity firms and investment banks spend a lot of time writing blog articles, case studies, and press releases as a means of sharing industry knowledge and major company updates with their networks and contacts. Customizing the Whitepaper email template in DealCloud Dispatch lets firms easily share these resources and increase visibility on newly published articles.

The Whitepaper email template includes four different layouts: Call to Action, Extended, Modern, and Press Release. Many firms use the Call-to-Action layout to distribute industry analysis reports. The layout allows firms to include a large header bar with the main call-to-action (e.g., View Report), multiple paragraphs on the report’s key findings, author headshots, and a standard footer that links back to the firm’s website.

3. Highlight closed deals with the transaction announcement template

Firms can use the Transaction email template to update their contacts on closed deals and other developments concerning mergers and acquisitions. The Report layout lets firms include images, an announcement summary, a button that links to more information, author headshots, and a standard footer that links to back the firm’s website. In addition to sending deal and transaction announcements, firms can also use the Transaction email template to send internal employee memos, announce portfolio company acquisition and divestiture activity, promote a new fund or fundraising activity, or recap an industry event.

Improve business development success with email marketing

Marketing teams at private equity firms and investment banks should invest time and resources into email marketing to support their business development and deal origination goals. Email marketing not only allows professionals to quickly share information with their contacts but also offers one of the most scalable ways to stand out in the crowded capital markets, better compete for deals, and measure the success of a firm’s marketing methods.

Dispatch makes it easy for deal professionals, investor relations teams, and business development professionals to customize email templates to use their firms’ colors, fonts, footers, and other branding assets. Dispatch’s all-in-one platform lets firms view email campaign activity, performance metrics, and analytics, providing professionals with a full and transparent view of every deal and relationship.

Schedule a demo to see how Dispatch can help your marketing and business development team drive new opportunities and nurture existing relationships in a scalable way.