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Transforming Business Development – Cross Selling


Intapp’s Darryl Cross recently had the honor of partnering with David Freeman of the David Freeman Consulting Group, and Chris Fritsch of CLIENTSFirst Consulting, on a webinar about business development techniques for the current times and how to practice empathy while selling.

CEO David Freeman spoke about the concept the of “cross selling” or “cross helping” during his presentation. Watch this short video to see David do a deeper dive on the concept and learn how to create internal presentations that can uncover new opportunities for your business development team.

10 Steps for making internal presentations trigger “Cross Selling”

  1. Keep the presentation under 5 minutes
  2. Give your program a memorable title
  3. Use language a 6th grader could understand
  4. Support your text content with visually appealing imagery
  5. Address 2-3 hot issues
  6. Provide 2-3 supporting questions
  7. Include
  8. include “brag” points
  9. Highlight a relevant success story
  10. Offer gifts that will contribute
  11. Follow up!

Click here to watch the full 50-minute webinar and keep an eye out for new techniques which we’ll be posting on the Intapp blog each Thursday for the next 5 weeks.

Video produced by Rob Kates of Kates Media