Holistically understand your commitments to clients in relation to vendor contracts

Intapp Terms: Vendor terms

Easily view, compare, and manage vendor terms and client commitments

Give your professionals a clear view of vendor terms and client commitments — and make it easier for them to confirm that your vendors’ contracts aren’t putting your firm in violation of its client obligations.

Intapp Terms lets users view vendor and client-commitments contracts together in one place, with document comparison to help them verify that terms align — without requiring long hours of contract review. And by applying AI to categorize your firm’s client commitments, Intapp Terms helps your professionals locate specific terms, fast.

Compare client terms against vendor terms for discrepancies

Manage, distribute, and report on vendor terms with Intapp Terms

Review contracts quickly

Accelerate the review of signed vendor contracts using AI-powered categorization.

Share knowledge

Distribute summaries, establish workflows, and provide direct access to teams or individuals.

Honor your commitments

Compare vendor terms against client terms to identify any discrepancies, and analyze changing trends.

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